12 Common Pitfalls of the 12-Steps (after betrayal trauma, abuse and lies) – 3.16S

Addicts have to avoid these common pitfalls if they’re going to recover from their addictions… and if they’re not going to make things worse in the relationship.

Episode Summary:
-Signs of impending relapse
-Sponsorship and Accountability Partnership
-Avoiding becoming a dry drunk
-The “24-Hour Reprieve”

0:00 Intro

1:02 Pitfall One: Relapse (not knowing the signs of it)***

2:39 Pitfall Two: Confusing the roles of the sponsor and accountability partner / What Jay looks for in sponsors

4:18 Hint: What Wives should look for when their guys seek sponsorship or an A/P

5:37 Pitfall Three: If you’re asked to be an A/P… (What Jay tells the guy whose wife doesn’t know)***

6:57 Pitfall Four: Not knowing what to look for in a good sponsor

7:18 Pitfall Five: Not knowing when to look for a new group

7:57 Pitfall Six: Making Step 12 about your ego (Lori really likes Step 12 because…)

10:15 Pitfall Seven: Becoming a dry drunk because sobriety doesn’t equal healing

11:17 Pitfall Eight: Thinking the 12 Steps can rebuild trust after betrayal and lies

11:52 Pitfall Nine: Just showing up at the meetings / Creating the “24-hour reprieve” (but this doesn’t mean… )

13:40 Pitfall Ten: Doing the steps just once

14:10 Pitfall Eleven: Not knowing Step 4 is about character defects

15:06 Pitfall Twelve: Archaic Language (yet it’s still easy to understand) / Wrap up

The podcast is below. (It may take a couple hours for it to show up on iTunes, etc.)


  • Jay and Lori

    With over 25 years of researching best practices and a high success rate, this is a place to heal and grow your relationship--to recover from betrayal, lying, mistreatment and broken trust. Trauma-Trained Certified Mentors, Jay and Lori Pyatt have a unique approach to porn addiction recovery, the trauma of betrayal, and rebuilding trust to give you hope. Gain tips on Betrayal Trauma, Narcissism/Abuse, Lying/Omitting Truth, Porn Addiction, and ways to rebuild trust and live healthy lives.

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