How can a Loving God Allow… (The Pain of Betrayal, Lies and Abuse) – 3.15S

If God is good, how can He allow things like addiction, betrayal, lies and abuse? In this episode we cover that difficult topic. While we address the ancient saying, “fill up the sufferings of Christ,” we also add a caveat for partners who’ve been lied to and mistreated.


Episode Summary:
-How can a loving God allow certain things?
-Filling up the sufferings of Christ
-How betrayed spouses can know if they should STOP suffering to get through to the addict
-Kittens & Crawling into God’s arms
-We both break down and cry


0:00 Intro
0:46 How can God allow certain things: First thought (another meaning for “will”)
2:35 Second thought (connectibility)
3:20 Third (when the sun always shines there’s little…)
4:10 Fourth thought (helping others)
5:22 Fifth thought (authenticity)
6:17 Sixth thought (I can relate)
7:23 Seventh thought (the opposite of what the enemy wants)
8:49 Eighth thought (real time reality)
9:43 But God doesn’t just do it to us***
11:19 What challenged Jay’s thinking (our thoughts on “filling up the sufferings of Christ”)
13:18 BUT suffering is different than this / only continue if…
14:58 Jesus sleeping in the boat (and willing to go through it with us)
16:40 How a kitten showed Lori where the safest place to be was***
18:11 For those feeling alone (We both shed tears on this one)***
20:05 It was difficult (but this happened) / The storms are not forever and…
21:32 “I do not believe God tortures us. I believe He…”


The podcast is below. (It may take a couple hours for it to show up on iTunes, etc.)

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