Step 7: The Humble Ask (God Doesn’t Just Take it Away) – 3.07S

It’d be great if God just took the desire for our addicts away, but we rarely see that in our line of work. This episode covers what to do instead, as well as special things to consider after lying and betrayal.

In this episode we cover:
-Step 7 of the 12-Steps
-What true humility looks like
-God doesn’t just take it away

0:00 Intro
1:38 If you have to ask about it then… / The middle part of the 12-Steps
2:22 Getting to where we’re humble enough to ask without… / It’s not like God’s going to just take it away if…
3:22 “God, you’re going to have to take it away, because I don’t want to let go of it” / Many examples of what humility looks like***
4:13 The most damage probably will be done to the family / God is a Gentleman
6:25 The intent is to fully let go, and how this is covered in the Bible
8:07 Guys who say, “But God’s not taking this away”… and when God does***
10:31 One challenge Jay sees in the guys he works with
11:20 We may never be fully free, so some things have to change from here on out
12:28 One exception: extreme situations… but you’re not bullet-proof
13:14 The danger of “Visual Sips” (and what these look like in real life)***
14:36 Identifying new thing you’re powerless over / How Step 4 is different
16:20 The reason addicts resist steps 4 through 7 (and the “Ask” part)

The podcast is below. (It may take a couple hours for it to show up on iTunes, etc.)


  • Jay and Lori

    With over 25 years of researching best practices and a high success rate, this is a place to heal and grow your relationship--to recover from betrayal, lying, mistreatment and broken trust. Trauma-Trained Certified Mentors, Jay and Lori Pyatt have a unique approach to porn addiction recovery, the trauma of betrayal, and rebuilding trust to give you hope. Gain tips on Betrayal Trauma, Narcissism/Abuse, Lying/Omitting Truth, Porn Addiction, and ways to rebuild trust and live healthy lives.

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