Addiction Recovery & Betrayal Trauma: Step 2 (Restoring Sanity) – 3.02S & Tons of Free Information

Tons of Free Information

Before we get to the latest episode, we want to let you know about something.  Our friends from BraveHearts (M & C Leahy) have included us with over 50 experts including mentors and therapists, mediators and lawyers, as well as ministry leaders to share tips on emotional regulation/trauma, honesty/disclosure, separation (and beyond), and reconciliation, in a 10-day online summit called, Renew.

In our three interviews, we cover:

-navigating anger & vulnerability
-important steps to take (& one thing that’s been 100% successful so far)
-how to know when to step back more or try again
-and why a husband’s roaming eyes can take a gash out of his wife’s self-esteem

You may not be interested, but feel free to share this post with those you think may need it. (Using the links in this email to sign up will help our ministry at no cost to the attendee.)


Here’s our latest

This episode covers:
-Step 2 of the 12 Steps
-Believing in a Power greater than ourselves
The root of the problem

The article mentioned in this episode can be found here.

0:00 Intro
1:09 Pornographically addicted
1:32 Step 2 – Restore me to sanity
1:59 Jay gets self-righteous
2:53 Hurt in the name of God
3:33 I need more power than that… The group can be more powerful than you
6:50 “We came to believe…” (I wasn’t sane before)
8:20 It’s funny you should say “Restore”
9:08 THIS is the problem
10:16 Satisfying is an interesting word
10:56 Acknowledging God in this way… Believing this…
12:27 We keep using the same tool but…
13:24 Self-sufficiency looks like this



The podcast is below. (It may take a couple hours for it to show up on iTunes, etc.)


  • Jay and Lori

    With over 25 years of researching best practices and a high success rate, this is a place to heal and grow your relationship--to recover from betrayal, lying, mistreatment and broken trust. Trauma-Trained Certified Mentors, Jay and Lori Pyatt have a unique approach to porn addiction recovery, the trauma of betrayal, and rebuilding trust to give you hope. Gain tips on Betrayal Trauma, Narcissism/Abuse, Lying/Omitting Truth, Porn Addiction, and ways to rebuild trust and live healthy lives.

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