Step 10: For When You’re Wrong (and rewiring the addicted brain) – 3.10S

We all mess up, but after betrayal trauma and lies, but if an addict wants to rebuild trust, they have to be prompt about making things right. This episode covers a few techniques to make this an easier process. It also covers how Lori knows Jay’s character changed.

Episode Summary:
-Step 10 of the 12-Steps
-How to avoid the slippery slope
-One way to rewire the addicted brain

0:00 Intro to Step 10 (Continuing to take a personal inventory and when I’m wrong…) / This should be done daily
2:08 One way to do this and why***
3:33 Another way to do this / Thing stopped working for Jay
4:27 When you are wrong (do this), because when you’re mature enough…***
6:21 The addict takes their own inventory, not someone else’s (why it’s different for the betrayed partner)
8:18 “Stop whining, guys” / What Jesus said
9:43 A third way is asking for feedback / It’s a process
10:41 For the betrayed spouse / How Lori missed it when Jay asked for feedback
12:20 One benefit of this step / What shows Jay’s character change***
13:39 When to do all the 12-Steps again? / Applicable Scriptures
15:52 Keep track of victories to avoid the slippery slope
18:18 One way to rewire the addicted brain

The podcast is below. (It may take a couple hours for it to show up on iTunes, etc.)


  • Jay and Lori

    With over 25 years of researching best practices and a high success rate, this is a place to heal and grow your relationship--to recover from betrayal, lying, mistreatment and broken trust. Trauma-Trained Certified Mentors, Jay and Lori Pyatt have a unique approach to porn addiction recovery, the trauma of betrayal, and rebuilding trust to give you hope. Gain tips on Betrayal Trauma, Narcissism/Abuse, Lying/Omitting Truth, Porn Addiction, and ways to rebuild trust and live healthy lives.

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